The law was submitted to Congress by the Bush Administration on September 24th, just 13 days after the attack.
What is the Patriots act? Kindly see BOLDED RED statements
The Campaign Committee of UNITE FOR PEACE provided the following brief rundown on the potential impact of the act on freedoms:
- Freedom of Association: Government may monitor religious and political institutions without suspecting criminal activity to assist terror investigations.
- Freedom of Information: Government has closed once-public immigration hearings, has secretly detained hundreds of people without charges, and has encouraged bureaucrats to resist public records requests.
- Freedom of Speech: Government may prosecute librarians or keepers of any other records if they tell anyone that the government subpoenaed information related to terror investigations.
- Right to Legal Representation: Government may monitor federal prison jailhouse conversations between attorneys and clients, and deny lawyers to US citizens accused of crimes.
- Freedom from Unreasonable Searches: Government may search and seize papers and effects owned by citizens without probable cause to assist terror investigations.
- Right to a Speedy and Public Trial: Government may jail anyone indefinitely without a trial, including US citizens.
- Right to Liberty: Anyone may be jailed without being charged or being able to confront witnesses against them.
- Secret Searches: The USA PATRIOT Act expands the ability of the government to use so called "sneak and peek" and "black bag" secret searches. These searches, depending on the target, require either no notification at all of the person being searched, or delay notification until after the search has occurred. This means that physical searches of our homes, cars, computers, workplaces and reading materials can be conducted without our knowledge. These provisions apply both in anti-terrorism investigations and routine criminal investigations.
- Government Surveillance: The USA PATRIOT Act minimizes the power of the courts to prevent law enforcement authorities from illegally abusing certain types of telephone and Internet surveillance in both anti-terrorism investigations and run-of-the-mill criminal investigations of American citizens. Law enforcement officials have the power to investigate American citizens for criminal matters without establishing probable cause if they designate that the investigation is for "intelligence purposes." The Director of Central Intelligence also has broad authority to identify individuals as targets for intelligence surveillance, placing the CIA firmly back in the business of spying on Americans.
- Privacy: The USA PATRIOT Act granted the FBI -- and, under new information sharing provisions, many other law enforcement and intelligence agencies -- broad access to highly personal medical, financial, mental health, library and student records with only the most minimal judicial oversight. The court must issue a subpoena whenever the FBI states that it is for an investigation to protect against international terrorism. The recipient of the subpoena is prohibited from telling anyone that the FBI has asked for the information. Now the FBI can get the entire database of a credit card company or the records of everyone who has used a certain public library. It can obtain information on everyone registered at a particular hotel, hospital, or university. It does not need to show probable cause that a crime is, has been, or will be committed.
- Dissent/Free Speech: The USA PATRIOT Act has the very real potential to greatly chill constitutionally protected speech in its overbroad redefinition of "domestic terrorism." The new definition is so vague that it could allow the government to designate lawful advocacy groups, like Greenpeace and Operation Rescue, as terrorist groups and subject them to invasive surveillance, wiretapping, harassment and then criminally penalize them for protected political advocacy.
- Bill of Rights for Non-Citizens: The USA PATRIOT Act permits the Attorney General to incarcerate or detain non-citizens based on mere suspicion and to deny re-admission to the US of non-citizens (including legal, long-term permanent residents) for engaging in speech protected by the First Amendment.
references : The Library of Congress
They learnt from a hard experience the need for a law such as the ISA. Do we wait for something bad to happen before we wake up?
Look at the summary of the Patriots Act above. Tell me it is not similar to our ISA.
bila america serang iraq, u orang kutuk. bila america buat patrotic act, tuu..sokong pulak..betul betul belit la kau. sokong ISA konon,
Dear Anonymous..
Hmm anon..anon.. aduhai...
apa yg kamu merepek ni anon? Orang cakap pasal undang-undang penahanan suspek, hang bilang pasal perang. Apa cerita ni?
hmm ok lah, i pun nak main 'game" macam awak lah...
1) Bila PAS nak buat Islamic state orang2 cina tak sokong, depa cakap islamic state ni undemocratic, islamic state ni bahaya takut jadi macam taliban, islamic state ni oppressive. Tapi bila time pilihanraya, tiba2 boleh duduk semeja dan berkempen dgn menggunakan ayat "Amar maaruh, nahi mungkar". Betul2 putar belit la kau.
2) Bila Malaysia announce kita ni negara islam, korang melenting. korang cakap ni negara sekular, korang tak nak mengaku ni negara islam. Tapi bila nak oppose ISA, korang cakap ISA ni unislamic. Betul2 putar belit la kau.
3) Bila ade ISA, korang cakap takde human right, tak macam USA ..diorang tu leaders in human right. Bila USA buat Patriots Act korang kaku, tak boleh nak cakap apa2.. bisu..Betul2 putar belit la kau.
nak lagi ke?
Kalau orang cina bukan Islam tak nak Islamic state tu.. boleh le kita paham sebab diaorang tu bukan Islam... Ni yang orang UMNO tak nak Islamic State ni pasai apa? kata orang Islam... tu yang pelik tu orang ISlam tak nak Islamic state dan Islamic Law.... Orang UMNO tu bukan Islam ke???
Dear Anak Perelih
Ini apa kene mengena dgn topik yang dibincangkan dalam blog ni?
Kami bukan orang UMNO jadi kami tak boleh bercakap bagi pihak mereka. Kami ni cuma rakyat biasa yg menyokong akta ini.
However, in this short period of blogging i have realised one thing. That now i understand why they say you people will blame everything on UMNO. Esok kulit ade panau pun boleh gunakan tu sebagai sebab untuk salah kan UMNO.
And you all ni suka sgt merapu dari topik asal. Kenapa ya?.. Orang cakap pasal ISA, you cakap pasal UMNO la, cina bukan islam la, islamic state la. Sama lah dgn geng kamu kat atas tadi tu.
Next time, bare in mind to stick to the topic while commenting, or your comment goes into the bin.
Thank you
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