I will let the pictures do the talking..

read about him HERE
ISA or government Assasins? And by assasination, the victims are merely collateral damage "for the greater good".
With ISA, they will be given a chance to change and turn over.
You make the choice........................
What is Internal Security Act (ISA)?
The Internal Security Act 1960 (ISA) (Malay: Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri) is a preventive detention law in force in Malaysia. The legislation was enacted by Malaysian politicians after the country gained independence from Britain in 1957. In essence, it allows for the arrest of any person without the need for trial in certain defined circumstances. Malaysia is one of the few countries in the world whose Constitution allows for preventive detention during peacetime without safeguards that elsewhere are understood to be basic requirements for protecting fundamental human rights...
Dear "Malaysian"
Detention without trial is sometimes necessary.
Take for example the Indonesian born Singaporean - Mas Selamat. Linked to Jemaah Islamiyah, trained by the taliban and listed in Interpols most wanted list (http://www.interpol.int/Public/News/2008/OrangeNotice20080228.asp) whom at one time plotted to hijack a plane from Bangkok and crash it into Changi airport.
Arrested in Johor, and cannot be tried in Malaysia as he did not commit the crimes here. Singapore does not want him , So what do we do?
According to GMI, we should bebaskan tahanan ISA. Set him free?
Yes, we have preventive detention during peace time but terorists do not choose between peace and war time to terrorise people. The threat of terrorism remains, even during peace time.
Thank you
saya dah nampak "the big picture now".Thanks to ISA negara kita sgt aman dan maju tak mcm negara2 yg tiada ISA terutama USA and GB.
ISA juga boleh digunakan untuk simpan "sampah" org lain.
Bijak nyer govt malaysia!
Dear Xenan
USA and the GB does not have the ISA. They do however have government agencies that carry out assasinations in the name of national security called the CIA and the M15. In this post i asked which you prefered, care to share?
As for Mas Selamat, it is not that we have to "simpan sampah orang lain". But after all, he was caught here in Malaysia. So what should we do? care to share?
thank you
Sebenarnya xada mslh dgn ISA klu bnr diguna untuk cegah pengganas.Tp sebesar mana skop "pengganas" bg kamu?adakah mereka ditahan mengikut akta ISA scr sebetulnya@hanya mengikut telunjuk@arahan org ats??ini persoalanya...mcm mana perlaksanaan ISA..
Dear hanuman,
Jika seseorang itu tidak bersalah, dia akan dilepaskan selepas penyiasatan dijalankan.
ISA cuma untuk mempercepatkan penahanan suspek untuk mengelak "red tape" dan melancarkan penyiasatan.
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